*Αν είσαι ανήλικος ή θεωρείς πως βρέθηκες στην ιστοσελίδα μου κατά λάθος παρακαλώ αποχώρησε από τη σελίδα μου τώρα!
*If you are a minor or think that you've entered my website by mistake please exit my page immediately! 

*Area: Panormou-Kifisias-Alexandras

In Athens 10/02/2025

Booking Number
6946564721 (whatsapp)

cy# 99055814

*Working hrs: 14:00-01:00
Call my Greek number for info and for booking please. 
No msgs-or apps!
Call at least 1hr in advance to book within the aforementioned time frame!

Vers (Active/Passive) Transsexual
Very Well endowed, Very Kinky, Very well traveled, Very well educated 
(psychology and marketing degrees from NYU, yes the one in NYC!)
...Always Fit (174cm/67kg/34B/30), 
sex "toy": 20cm length/15cm thick, Discreet and Healthy!
VIP TS escort...the Ultimate Provider...for the Unforgettable (GF)Experience!

Are you looking for a different kind of escort? hm?
The Secret of my success?
" Hi everybody, I am QueenAthina, a very well educated refined shemale escort who loves her profession and respects her clients and their most ultimate sexual fantasies! I am very discreet and diligent when it comes to our encounters and I take into serious consideration your privacy and personal living sphere! I respect your personal boundaries and I carefully adapt to your needs and desires. Your fantasy is treated accordingly and every one of you is considered to be a unique erotic partner!
Escorting for me is a way of living, an ideology, a meaningful mystified erotic and psycho-somatic ritual where it always takes two to tango!
...This is not a hobby...This is my life!...
Are you ready to dance with me?"


Private numbers are automatically blocked!
I'm completely STDs FREE and undergo monthly medical check-ups!

Visiting Hours
14:00 - 01:00
Call 1hr in advance to book our session!
Please NO hidden Numbers or Text msgs...
I do not answer, nor do I reply back!

How to visit me if you are not familiar with the city of Athens!*
If you are visiting Athens you can contact me to book an appointment using a cell number NOT a landline number (e.g., hotel's number!). 
I dont do outcalls to 1st time clients so you need to get a taxi to come to my place! 
1. You call me with your number and arrange a meeting (at least 1-2hrs in advance!)
2. You confirm your booking at least 40' prior to our meeting!
3. You ask for a taxi from the hotel's reception or get one on the street if you are a world traveller! 
I'm close to the center and all the major hotels surrounding it! Apprx. time, 10-30'! 
4. Once you are inside the cab, you first tell the driver that you are headed to PANORMOU METRO area. Using your mobile you hand it over to the driver and I will give him the exact directions in fluent Greek! He will bring you outside my building's door!
  Big Smileys
5. Once we finish our meeting you either walk to Kifisias Av. (1' walk from my residence) to get a cab or 
I can call a taxi service to pick you up from my place!
In any case you do not have to worry about a thing! 
This is how is done with foreigners who come and see me! 
take care and enjoy your stay in Greece. 
Kisses, QA 

*The same goes for other cities (e.g., Nicosia - Cyprus), call me or email me(athina@queenathina.com) to give you the details!
My location in Athens
Kifisias Av., very close to PRESIDENT HOTEL and METRO PANORMOU

Kifisias Avenue
200m. from PRESIDENT HOTEL and 200m. from METRO PANORMOU
The exact address upon booking. 
Easy and Safe access by car, metro and Taxi!

View my location in Athens - Kifisias Av. in a larger map

 (+357) 99055814

 (+30) 6946564721
 R u ready for...a test drive?

find out...Visit the Queen!

Please Read

The following rates are  for my time and companionship as an escort ONLY.
I am an INDEPENDENT escort and international model NOT  a prostitute. 
I do NOT operate a brothel nor do I escort under the management or authority of any other individual but myself(VOLUNTARILY). Contacting me constitutes your legally binding oath that you understand and agree to the aforementioned terms and certify that you are not affiliated or cooperating with any law enforcement agency or body. Appreciation in the form of local currency is acceptable exclusively for my expenses and my time.
Physical interaction is free and must be considered a private matter of personal choice among 
two (YOU and I) informed and consenting adults. This is not an offer for prostitution!!!
I am an international independent adult model NOT A PROSTITUTE!
You (a consenting adult!) choose to spend your time with me for company ONLY!
I do not represent any agency or pimps!
Booking an appointment with me means you fully understand who I am and what I offer!
By  contacting me (either through phone or emails) you agree to these terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any law
enforcement agency using this advertisement for entrapment or for arrest.

This is A BINDING contract, CLEARLY STATING THAT you agree to my terms of contacting me. 
I have legal representation and know my fully rights 
(I'm well informed about the legal status concerning prostitution and escorting in every country i visit and so should you: PROSTITUTION IN EUROPE

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